Our Recreational Program is the CSA (Colorado Soccer Association) Mountain Region League Program. This program includes competition outside of the Roaring Fork Valley against other Mountain Region Clubs and teams. Mountain Region clubs are typically small in numbers so teams in this division will be combined age groups. For example, 12U will include both 12U and 11U players on one team. For many players in the Mountain region, especially in the younger age levels, this is the first time to experience games and travel outside of the Roaring Fork Valley. Mountain Region clubs typically are all west of the continental divide but can range from New Castle, Grand Junction, Moab, Montrose, and possibly all the way to Durango. Not every club in Mountain Region has teams in every age bracket, so where your team will travel to is not determined until clubs register their teams.
Mountain Region League Age Groups: 12U and 15U age brackets.
Team Formation: Players will be assigned to teams based on their birth year. If registration is completed by the published deadline, we will do our best to honor preferences for coaches, location, or schedule, but cannot guarantee that preferences will be fulfilled.
Game Formats: 11U-12U will play 9v9 (8 players and a goalkeeper), 15U will play 11v11 (10 players and a goalkeeper) on the field during their games.
Team Size: 12U team size is 12-14, 15U team size is 14-18 players.
Duration: Two (1 hour - 1.5 hour) training sessions per week for 8-10 weeks per season. Games are on Saturdays; games may be rescheduled on Sundays or weeknights where appropriate.
Practice Days/Times: Practices will be held 2x/week with practice days, time and length determined by the coach or coaches based on availability. When registering, please indicate your preferences for days and times and we will do our best to place players on teams that best
match preferences indicated by the player during registration.
Locations: Practices and home games for MRL teams will take place at Crown Mountain Park (El Jebel), Hendricks Park or River Valley Ranch (Carbondale), or Gates Soccer Park (Glenwood Springs).
Dues include:
Program dues do not include:
Registrations for the Mountain Region League must be submitted by 7/15
Registrations after 7/15 will go directly to a waitlist and will incur an additional $50 fee for registration if/when they are activated from the waitlist to a roster.
Rosters will be created and released August 1.
Registration to Mountain Region League teams is done by season, one for fall 2024 and one for spring 2025. If you register for both at the same time, you will receive $100 off of the spring registration fee. A new uniform for 2024-2025 is included in the registration fee for the player's first season of the year; players registered for both seasons will receive their uniform in the fall.
Available to players born 2010-2014
12u Teams play 9v9; roster size 12-14 players.
15u teams play 11v11; roster size 16-18 players.
12u Teams play 9v9; roster size 12-14 players.
15u teams play 11v11; roster size 16-18 players.
Available to players born 2010-2014
BIRTH YEAR | 2024-25 | 2025-26 |
2022 |
4U |
2021 |
4U |
5U |
2020 |
5U |
6U |
2019 |
6U |
7U |
2018 |
7U |
8U |
2017 |
8U |
9U |
2016 |
9U |
10U |
2015 |
10U |
11U |
2014 |
11U |
12U |
2013 |
12U |
13U |
2012 |
13U |
14U |
2011 |
14U |
15U |
2010 |
15U |
16U |
2009 |
16U |
17U |
2008 |
17U |
18U |
2007 |
18U |
19U |
2006 |
19U |
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